Friday, April 10, 2015

Who Are They Helping?

Opened my computer this morning only to find more incidents of cop brutality.  Is it becoming the norm or are more people just tuning in to it?  I find it interesting that so many people make excuses for this kind of behavior.  They say things like "cops put their lives on the line everyday" or "they became a cop because they wanted to help people".

First of all, many people put their lives on the line everyday: firefighters, high rise construction workers, miners, fishermen, and that is just off the top of my head.  As far as "helping people" I would say that the motivation behind becoming is cop is to carry a gun and a badge.  In my experience the type of person that becomes a cop is someone who craves power and authority.  Is that a generalization? Sure it is.  There are always exceptions.  But I think people who become social workers, teachers and volunteers are really the people who want to help others and make a difference for the better and they make a lot less money doing it and they answer to a hell of a lot more people.

I think the real problem is accountability.  It appears that teachers and social workers are held to a much higher standard than police officers.  When we read about a teacher who has abused their power they lose their jobs quickly.  A police officer who abuses his or her power is put on leave with pay during a lengthy investigation and then after the dust settles quietly brought back in.  There is no civilian oversight.  Law enforcement would like us to think that there is transparency but that is a lie.  When abuse occurs the incident is investigated by another department, generally in the county where the incident occurred.  The departments protect one another.  Think about it, do you want to judge another department harshly when that department could be investigating you one day?  In addition to that, when the incident is serious enough, such as in a "critical incident" the matter is often referred to the grand jury.  Those jurors are usually very old, white people who are appointed by the department heads and who hold absolutely no power to impact change.  Their only task is to find if the officer followed department procedure.  When the department's procedure includes lethal force, then the jury finds they have done nothing wrong.  There is no one to force a department to make changes.  The public has no say.

When we permit a certain group to have jurisdiction over us, to have the ability to search, question and arrest us, there must be a mechanism where the public has the right of oversight.  The police are the enforcers of the laws that we make and their job is to "protect and serve".  There should be no problem with the public having a say in how we police our communities....they work for us.

That said, nearly every department refuses and resists public oversight.  They don't want the public all up in their business.  But their business is our business.  If we want real change  we have to demand public oversight.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Goodbye Facebook

I left Facebook a few months ago and I don't miss it.  Who needs all of the needy relatives inviting you to things you don't want to go to?  Or who needs that "friend" that you hardly ever see asking you to donate to their kids football team?  And let's not forget those really, really needy people who want to whine about how they don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend or that their boyfriend/girlfriend has dumped them all the while complaining about every ache and pain and bout of insomnia......I just don't care.  I hate needy people and that is how they seem to me when they turn to their fake friends wanting sympathy or attention.

I have come to refer to this forum as "Fakebook". 

Face it, most of you are not my "friends"....gamers, I'm looking at you.  I wanted to build my friends list so I let my sister use my profile to play games and now I'm paying for it.  I hate to say it but most gamers are kind of losers.  The most annoying thing about them is the constant "notifications" begging me to play with them.....if that's not needy, I don't know what is.   Even more irritating is that now I have to hide or delete most of them because I am tired of seeing pictures or their grandbabies, tired of being preached to about how much Jesus wants us to save the world and I'm tired of seeing pictures of their beloved little rat dog(s)....everyday.  No, this is one group I am definitely not really "friends" with.

The relatives:  You know those "friends" who are relatives that you, literally, never see.  You are trapped.  I mean it's not like you can deny the request lest you have every other relative putting you on the spot and asking you why. Or better yet, you run into that relative at the once a decade get together and they, of course, ask why you won't add them or why you have deleted them.  You have no choice, you have to keep them on the list.  Now they can engage you in every aspect of their lives.  They make stupid comments on your posts and tell you all about their neighbors, in-laws, schedules, trips to the DMV, aches pains and woes.....again, I don't care.  In fact, there is a reason why we don't ever see one another.

Also awkward is the unwanted friend request from somebody you don't know or someone you do know and just don't want to add (other than the aformentioned relatives).  I have to admit at first it is a little flattering to have that little icon light up with people lining up to be your friend.  But in no time at all it becomes clear that they are not somebody I want to be friends with.  As soon as somebody starts preaching to me about religion, telling me to support the troops, posting random postcards with stupid quips they are CUT OFF.

Then there are the posers.  They are the ones that post constant selfies, brag about everything (while trying to look humble....but failing at it), name drop and basically promote all that is them every chance they get.  I really, really don't care.  I would if it were genuine but it clearly is not. Need-y!

Then again, isn't all social media supposed to launch us into the information age?  Nothing is secret anymore...maybe that's good, maybe not.  Every once in a while I will see a post that interests me but mostly, I don't.  I do wonder about some of my real "friends" but then I think: Hey they are really my friend.  I can go to their house or give them a call.  All I know is that it I don't miss "Fakebook" more than I do.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Let's Start a Bloody Revolution!

O.K. guys, this post is about menstruation.  If vaginas and blood make you squeamish then you probably want to pass on this one.  If you are interested, then respect dude, you are a real ladies man!

Recently my daughter asked me what homeless women do when they have their menstrual cycles.  I assumed they are given feminine hygiene products at the shelters.  After some research I realized that is partly true.  They are given very limited access to such products.  I started to think about the financial and ecological expenses of having a cycle.

After I had my children I began to experience really heavy flows.  Having your cycle is Hell enough without having to stay home because you bleed through a tampon in less than an hour.  I was using OB Ultra tampons and they worked ok but I still had way more leaks than I would have liked.  A couple of years ago Johnson and Johnson stopped making the Ultra.  I was pretty devastated.  On the rare occasions I come across one in an old purse or whatever, I get excited, sad but true.  I began to look for solutions.....

A friend of mine told me that in her college days she and her roomates used cloth, reusable pads.  They would throw them in a bucket until someone would wash them and, needless to say, they got a little gamey.  It also made male visitors a little grossed out and I don't blame them.  Still, the idea of having something available that was reusable, effective and inexpensive was very attractive to me.  I started to think like a woman who lived hundreds of years ago.  What the hell did they do?  Cloth rags, no doubt, were the fashion, hence the term "being on the rag."  Again, not a real attractive idea.  And then I thought about sea sponges and that one little thought opened the doors wide open.

Turns out I'm not alone.  There are women out there equally pissed at Johnson and Johnson for discontinuing the "Ultra".  In fact some women assert that tampons have actually gotten smaller on purpose.  I have been using tampons for a lot of years and I have to say that I agree with them.  These women have started a "girlcott" of all Johnson and Johnson products.  I'm sure Tampax is just a guilty.  Their tampons look like they have shrunk too.  More importantly these women have looked at the sea sponge as a viable option.  You can check out the blog at
She has done a good job of weighing the pros and cons of sea sponges.  I decided that I was sold.

Sea sponges can be purchased at art supply stores, cermamic supply stores, some community markets and online.  They are actually really cool.  They are little, soft, cheap, natural and they work like a charm.

I began using them and I don't think that I am going to miss the "Ultra" at all (miss me Johnson and Johnson.)  The only drawback is that it can be a little daunting to pull it out and rinse it off.  But then again, blood leaking down my leg in public is far more embarassing and inconvenient.  You can weigh the positives and negatives for yourself at the above-cited blog.  Another helpful site also, although a little less enthusiastic about the prospect  Those sources should provide you with a fair assessment of both sides.

Some of my favorite things about sea sponges: I don't get a string dirty when I use the toilet; there is absolutely no waste; no corporation is making money off of me; they are comfortable and absorbant; they clean very easily; AND you can have sex when you are using a sponge.  There are also menstrual cups that look like a good option and I may explore that later.  But for now I just want to get it out there that women have options.  Healtier, inexpensive and environmentally sound options but we just need to break free and explore viable alternatives to the status quo.....and it is liberating!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My children were incarcerated this morning...

It is Autumn (well almost) and I drove my girls to their first day back to school.  They are both in high school now which is a relief because any parent who drives their kids to school knows what a pain in the ass that is especially is they go to different schools....but I digress.

Ever since the first day of Kindergarten, I have felt that maybe I am a witness to the incarceration of my children.  Before you roll your eyes at me, consider this:  The children are registered, assigned an "ID number", roomed and then debriefed on the rules and regulations of the school, you know things like dress codes, rules for behavior and consequences for non-conformity.  Once they are at school, they cannot leave without being "released".  Penalties for non-cooperation are detention or expulsion.  They are let out of their rooms periodically to "excercise".  There is no free thinking allowed.  They are scored on how well they absorb and regurgitate the "facts" back at them in the form of examinations.  The students that assimilate the best receive higher marks and graduate.  The adminsitration even tries to dictate what they do with their free time.  I get flyers telling me how to feed my kids, how to montior homework and what time my child should go to sleep.  I have been recruited without my consent to reinforce the idea that the State has control over all of us.....but I digress.

To put in prison or subject to confinement, that is the definition of "incarceration."  Students are not free to leave at will and so, they are confined.  The fact that our students are little mini-prisoners isn't the worst of it for me.  I really can't stand the fact that we have segregated our students and nobody seems to give a shit.  Segregation?  Yeah that's right.  Is your kid an honors student, GATE, RSP, ESL, Special Ed.?  I'm willing to bet your kid has been labeled and sorted all based on the amount of funding each label brings into the school.  If you go into any random class in the US, particularly in secondary schools, you will find the students sorted into dummies and smarties.  And guess what?  Most of the smarties are upper crust, white bread, pups of yups, while the dummies are, mostly, the dark meat.  I think it is wrong to assume that students with these labels have nothing to learn from one another.  People learn from helping one another through problems.  People learn tolerance from working with others that are different.  And the biggest problem are the labels themselves.  Who decides what smart is or what dumb is....according to whom?  According to my school district one of my daughters was "RSP aka dumb" and one was "GATE aka smart".  I refused to have my girls labeled and my decision was constantly challenged by the teachers.  As someone who was lucky enough to school her children at home for two years I can say that both of my girls have an enormous ability to learn and both of them are extrememly smart kids when motivated to be so.  Who decides what subjects are valuable and who develops the ciriculuum?  There is a direct correlation between income level and success.  It isn't hard to understand how a child who struggles at home will struggle at school.  Yet the institution makes no priority to offer real remedies to the poverty in this country...but I digress.

This leads us to "the tests".  The job of the teacher has been reduced to test proctor and correctional officer.  Teachers who complain about the system or who offer new ideas on how to change things do not pass probation.  After all there is no rooom for innovation because institutions like the status quo. Teachers continue to teach to the STAR test because it determines funding, not because they believe in the merits of the test.

In my county approximately 30 million dollars is spent on administration alone.  42 school districts aren't cheap.  And yet they refuse to merge the district into our County Office of Education because everyone wants control of the money.  The adminstrators want to keep their $250,000.00 salaries.  It is not about kids, it is about money.  Prisons are the same way.  We know that the current system does not "rehabilitate" people and that the prison population continues to grow but too many people make money off building prisons so there is no incentive to change.....but I digress.

We must acknowledge that the drop out rate continues to grow and so do prisons.  Kids are easily impressionable and need to have total security in their personal lives in order to learn and grow in a productive, healthy way.  It is possible that our priorities need to shift to focus on children.  It is easily said but can it be done....that is for another blog.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Reform School

I just fired my dentist. He's a nice guy, his staff is great and his office is orderly. He's a competent dentist and we've had him for fourteen years. But I don't like him. When my daughters or I pay him a visit he always finds something outside of a normal cleaning to do. I am so tired of bite wing x-rays every year for no other reason than he wants to find something else to charge me for. He loves to poke my gums and measure them. He loves to give my daughters flouride treatments and seal their teeth. He loves to find little problems "that may turn into something big some day."

His office is really fancy and it's only open four days a week. He tells me about his parties and vacations and I couldn't help but notice his new hair plugs. I feel like his affluent life depends on finding something to bill me for. I doesn't occur to the dentist that my health insurance only pays for eighty percent of whatever the insurance company deems fair. I always end up paying big bucks no matter if it is for routine care or necessary care.

So I tried to find a new dentist. My criteria: no unnecessary care, someone who does community service or accepts medi-cal and who does not use mercury or flouride during their procedures. I thought I found a new candidate and made an appointment. The dentist photographed us, poked us, x-rayed us and proceeded to show us why we needed several thousands of dollars worth of dental work. Hey, she has a new fancy imaging machine to pay for just like my old dentist. No go. Major fail.

I told my mother-in-law about my issues. She said "They have to take x-rays so they can find things before they get too big." I told her I wouldn't expect my doctor to x-ray my body every few years just so he can catch something before it gets too big so I don't understand why the dentist is any different.

It comes down to the fact that we have health insurance, sucky as it is. The dentists are more inclined to push treatment upon us because we have insurance. Dentist don't take medi-cal anymore because medi-cal doesn't cover anything but necessary x-rays and extractions.

Even Kaiser, once held on a pedalstool as the ultimate HMO isn't an all inclusive package anymore. People used to brag that they had no co-pay and free prescriptions. You won't find that at Kaiser anymore. We went to kaiser when our doctor moved there. We pay three hundred dollars above what our employer pays to insure our family. Our office visits are $40.00 with an 80/20 split and we pay a lot for prescriptions.

I went to the doctor for a problem with my throat. I paid $40.00 for the office visit, I was prescribed anti-acids (for $25.00) and urged to get a mammogram (for $50.00). The problem persisted but I decided not to go back. I was afraid they would presribe me Xanex and send me for a cardiogram.

Democrats and Republicans cannot agree on how to fix our healthcare system. The Democrats limp along, dodging universal healthcare and pandering to corporate driven healthcare because they are afraid of being called socialists. While the Republicans want everyone to fend for themselves because, to them, little government means no social programs and a huge military. So I'd like to offer some suggestions to help them along.

1. I don't give a shit who runs it, a private or public organization, but it should be NOT FOR PROFIT. It is grossly indecent of us as a society, no matter how "capitalist" or "free trade" we may be, to suggest that it is acceptable to make money on sick people.

2. Torte reform. Being awarded obscene amounts of money is not going to bring junior back. Sending people to jail and holding them accountable for neglibible acts (FDA, CEOs and shitty doctors I'm looking at you) is much more effective.

3. All subsidies and research funding for medical advancement should go into the university system. All patents obtained, based on that funding, for medicine, technology and procedures should be held by society as a whole.

4. And finally (this one is my favorite), the legislatures in all of their plentiful forms, city, county, state and federal, should have the same benefits as people on medicaid. They should consider themselves lucky too because that is more than many working families can get right now.

That ought to do it for now.

Love, Constance

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Holiday Hangover

Christmas has really gotten to be a pain in the ass. It's my favorite holiday and yet it totally stresses me out. I worry about whether or not the people will like what I have given them, especially my kids. The fear of most parents at Christmas is that their child will not be satisfied. What a thing to worry about at Christmas. I usually go all out. I drop a few hundred bucks on my kids, not to mention the expense of buying for others, afraid I may look cheap. This year I decided I was not going into debt for the sake of the holiday. My daughters each received a nice pair of slippers, a dvd and a video cam. Honestly, it was hard for me to stop at that. I felt like I was cheating them. I was afraid that when they compared notes at school with the other kids they would be ashamed of me. My mother believed that love equals gifts. Our tree was almost buried in gifts. I don't remember a single one of them. What I do remember, however, is the bill collectors calling our house so much we had to unplug the phone. Mom is coming around though. She allowed us to draw names this year and I was really proud of her.

One year I could not find a Sailor Moon video that was out of production. I ended up buying a used copy. We gave it to a friend who was really into Sailor Moon, for her birthday. As soon as she opened it I wished I had gotten her something else. Materialism is so ingrained in my mind that I was embarrased that I had given her a used video. You hear about people getting caught "regifting" and it is a most serious offense. Giving a used gift is probably up there with treason.

Well my New Year's resolution is: I don't give a fuck whether or not you like what I'm giving you this year. I'm giving it from the heart and if you don't like it then you aren't my friend. We need to snap out of this affluence bullshit. Moreover, next year do not buy me anything, especially if it is plastic, made in China or requires batteries. If you don't love me or I have offended you then do the Earth a favor and take me off of your Christmas list.

Next year I am again going to make jam, applesauce and salsa. But I'm not going to feel the need to supplement my handmade (with love) gift with something I purchased. You're getting the jam and that's it. The good news is that I'm saving your life by not adding HFCS, preservatives, GMO or pesticides. My favorite gift this year was some freezer jam and a mixed cd my friend made. They have given me more enjoyment than the battery operated can opener that has sat in my drawer for three years.

We had a garage sale several weeks ago (which I swore I would never do again) and I realized how many thousands of dollars worth of gifts were being practically given away. Some of them have never been opened. My advice is save your money. If you see a book in the used book store that you think I will like, by all means buy it. I love to read and I don't give a shit if it is used or not, the words inside will be the same, I promise. Frame something special: childrens' art (hey some of it is really good), memorabilia, my favorite flower or your picture. Make me something. In return, I am going to think about you all year long and find something that I think you would appreciate. That is the secret to great gift giving: to always be on the lookout. Don't wait for the holiday to smack you in the face.

So that's it. That's my resolution. I'm adding a link to a youtube video a Facebook friend turned me onto. I wish I would have made it: This Year's Resolutions .

Love, Constance

Friday, September 24, 2010

What's Wrong With Unions

The Second Continental Congress was formed in 1775 as a united effort to present grievances to King George. The delegates were land-owning, white men from the thirteen colonies. They formed the first bargaining unit. After years of boycotts, riots and demonstrations, the colonists had reached their height of frustration when a series of laws, known as the Coercive Acts, were imposed by the British government.

They negotiated for months to reach an agreement. Some delegates wanted to continue their appeal to King George while others wanted to break from the crown. Some delegates refused to agree to form a new union if slavery was abolished and some would not agree unless it was. Obviously, they reached an agreement, although just barely. With the reading of the Declaration of Independence, the first union in this country was formed on July 4, 1776. As far as King George was concerned, it was a walk-out and he sent the militia to quell the unrest. So began the American Revolution.

Our new nation excluded many citizens. The Declaration states “All men are created equal that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights…” In reality these unalienable rights only extended to white, landowning men and not to slaves, women, natives or indentured servants. The founding fathers had built their wealth on the slave trade so America was born into labor unrest from the beginning.

In response to Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation the southern states formed a new Union, the Confederate States of America. Regarded as a “walk-out”, Abraham Lincoln ordered more troops to restore the Union. The Civil War lasted four years and 625,000 people died. They had renegotiated the conditions of the Constitution.

With the expansion of the West, industry thrived. Pioneers traveled in droves to settle the west and the Captains of Industry (or Robber Barons depending on your perspective) saw an opportunity to build wealth. Men like J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, J.D. Rockefeller and Cornelius Vanderbilt cornered the market on steel, railroads and shipping.

Although these men came from humble beginnings and eventually became famous philanthropists, their capital was less than virtuously acquired. There are libraries, universities, hospitals and music halls named after them yet they exploited their workforces, colluded with the government and each other, and monopolized markets.

Then as now, law enforcement and government often favor the wealthy. The wealthy can afford better lawyers, have powerful friends and fund campaigns. In the past, juries were comprised of white, land-owning men and they were the only ones who could vote or hold office. They inherently held more power.

By the mid-nineteen century, unions were formed to negotiate the rights of workers. They were formed as a response to long work weeks, low wages, and unsafe working conditions. When workers complained they were locked out. When they tried to strike companies called in strikebreakers to end it. Workers were killed, arrested and blacklisted.

Unions became strong because they created a mechanism to air grievances. They gained power in numbers and hired mobsters to counter the strikebreakers. Mobsters, formerly used by companies, now gained control of the unions. They too gained influence over law enforcement and government until both the corporation and the union became vehicles of power and manipulation

Today unions have evolved into non-profit corporations. In many ways they are like the corporations they negotiate with. They often represent many job classes and various bargaining units, often selling out one group for another. Some coerce workers to join just as the corporation coerces them not to. We have come to a stalemate in labor relations. Many corporations have shifted jobs oversees where the union has no authority. “The Corporation” has thus far prevailed. Unions represent only nine percent of the private workforce while forty-three percent of the workers are represented in the public sector, administrators included.
Even with the progress made with legislation, little has changed for the worker. The richest ten percent of Americans own seventy percent of the assets just as they did in the 19th century. The distribution of wealth has not shifted even with the organization of labor.

Even with the progress made with legislation, little has changed for the worker. The richest ten percent of Americans own seventy percent of the assets just as they did in the 19th century. The distribution of wealth has not shifted even with the organization of labor.

Love, Constance