Thursday, July 15, 2010

Your balls depend on it!

So I've been gone a while. Hope you noticed. I've been gone because I didn't think what I was saying mattered. I wasn't moping but it's like that line in Evita when Eva tells her husband Colonel Peron "it's hard to keep momentum when it's you that you are following." Honestly, I don't expect followers. A blog really is just a vanity piece for those of us control freaks that feel the need to be heard. I don't consider myself vain. I didn't believe it mattered. After all, look down, no comments. So why keep going you ask? Because while I was away, I decided it does matter. I want what I feel to be out there. So I'm still going to rant like a mother fucker. But....I wanted to offer something If not, then it is out there anyway.

First, you need to get motivated.

So off we go. New documentary. FLOW - For Love of Water. It is on. The privatization of our natural resources has begun. This documentary talks about water specifically but water isn't the only resource being sold off to the highest bidder: water, power, medicine, land, trees, etc. Who owns them? Should they be free? How much should it cost? Who should have access? Who should have control? Should someone make a profit? Capitalism is fine but not went it extorts from us, our basic necessities for survival.

The Environmental Protection Agency has done little to monitor and protect our water. Plastic "offgasses" chemicals that resemble estrogen. Pesticides such as Atrazine, which is banned in Europe yet made by a European company, does the same. The fish in the Seines river have all become female. It may very well be true that animal populations, including humans, are becoming feminized. How is that for chemical castration? Bet those old, rich conservative assholes who rule the world will take notice now

The World bank has given exculsive rights to a handful of companies to exploit water from third world countries that cannot defend themselves. In these countries the World Bank cannot be sued. These companies have seized control of the water sources and are selling it back to the people for a profit. These are people that need clean water the most. In a country where we use clean water to wash away our waste, we do not recognize that water is a not a renewable resource. Only so much fresh water falls from the sky.

In this country, our politicians lease our land to large companies, such as Nestle, for a pittance ($60,000 for 100 years). Moreover, local governments wave taxes for up to ten years to encourage these large companies to set up shop under the premise that the company will bring jobs. They pump out all of the ground water and sell it the public in little plastic bottles. Surrounding farmers, ranchers and communities lose their clean water source. Nestle owns many of these sites throughout the U.S. So far, they have not been stopped in court.

We are being held captive by oil companies who refuse to develop and utilize new sustainable technologies. BP has polluted the lower half of our Atlantic border, just as Exxon destroyed the Northwest Pacific and still the Courts have denied a moratorium on drilling. BP is a British company that does not pay their share of taxes in the United States and yet they have made the largest profits in the world pumping the oil off our coast. Why do our leaders allow that? Campaign funding I suspect. Do any of us have a choice regarding what power company we use?

So what are we to do. We are not victims. We are fucking enablers. We chug down bottled water while we fire up our gas leaf blowers and SUVs. And let's face it, we don't vote and we don't call our bureacrats and even if we do it doesn't matter. Corporation and State have merged. If that's true, then there is only one way to achieve peace....start paying attention to what you buy. It's that simple. We have the power. We can spend all the evil doers into oblivion if we start paying attention. So I'm gong to do my part. I've learned a lttle. Maybe someone out there will have something to add. It is going to be fun. Your balls depend on it.

In the meantime, you can sign the petition for Article 31 if you are so moved. This is a proposed amendement to the International Declaration of Human Rights that would declare affordable, clean water for every member of Earth.

Love, Constance

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