Monday, April 26, 2010

Cash is King

What if I told you there was a way to change the world that didn't cost you time or money? At least not any more than you are already spending. It may require you to educate yourself about the things you purchase but that it is a small price to pay. The fact that you are here, reading blogs, says a lot about you. Your inquisitive. You want to stay connected.

I've told you I'm a documentary junkie. God love the age of information. I'm so thankful that there are people out there dedicated to bringing information to the world. Knowledge is power.

Before I talk about changing the world, I want to share two movies that got me going. The Corporation is an overview of the history of the corporation and their rights and responsibilites. King Corn is a comprehensive look into the corn industry. Government subsidies have served to help corporations like Mansanto, and industries such as fast food, factory farmers, feed lots, fillers and high fructose corn syrup. Even more twisted is the industries' ability, through the corporation, to fabricate the laws that allow them to sell you the garbage you eat and the shit you buy. If you get a chance to see either of these movies, I promise you will find them fascinating.

Once we understand that the dollars we spend fuel large industries that really do not give a crap about us, then we can understand the power we have by simply closing our wallets or by selecting those we do business with more carefully. Personally, I find it very gratifying. I'm sticking it to the man, so to speak. You want to stick it to the man? Do you want to change the world? I'm going to leave you hanging for now. But I'll give you something to chew on...Should corporations own the world? Can we afford to allow companies to profit on things we need to survive (water, power, education, health care)? Maybe some things shouldn't be about profits.

Love, Constance Dogood

1 comment:

  1. As always...Well put! I'm chewing on it.
