Sunday, April 18, 2010

You say you want a revolution?

Personally, I would love a good revolt.

I'm tired of the laws that favor the big guy. I'm tired of paying taxes to support those richer than I and also poorer than I. I'm tired of being told what to do all of the time (wear your seatbelt, don't smoke here, drive like this, don't drive like that, you can go here but not here and show us what you have in your bag.) I'm telling you sometimes I think I'm starting to lose it. Since I'm not one to pop a Xanax and keep plugging away, I want to stop the insanity. Sometimes when I tell people this they get a little upset. I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. I'll be on my soap box often enough ranting about how I propose to change the world but first I want to talk about Ghandi.

Ghandi realized that everyone was important. He knew that there could never be peace until everyone was treated the same and allowed the same opportunities. Simply put, the garbage man is just as important as the president. This is THE fundamental element for peace. Read some George Orwell (may I suggest Animal Farm)to see what I'm talking about. Ghandi also realized that the only way to achieve pure equality is non-cooperation with those who oppress. No, the oppressors won't like it. Yes the oppressors may kill a couple of us....but eventually we will be equal.

When I tell people I want revolution they get a little uneasy. It doesn't have to be like the Peshawar massacre. I think it could be fun to fuck with the government. Imagine 120,000 morning commuters that decide they have had enough toll hikes (the Golden Gate bridge is up to $6.00)and are going to take the day off. Each car zooms through the toll gate without paying. Oh, I know what you are thinking: they'll all get tickets! Well yeah, probably. But when 120,000 people don't show up for court and are issued bench warrants things get interesting. Then it goes viral and we do it again, and again, in other states even.

Or maybe we go real medieval on their asses and come the next April 15, nobody sends in their tax form. BAM! Shit, take off your license plates, stop paying taxes, boycott any point of interest that has a check point Charlie. Bring the institution to its' knees until it has no choice but to deal with us. I've seen flashmobs. I know it can happen. Had enough yet? Think about it.

Love, Constance Dogood

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